About Us

About APEX Certified Auditors

APEX Certified Auditors is a full-service audit, financial and advisory firm, delivering certified, knowledge-driven audit, financial and tax services, that help our clients -in both regional and international markets- comply with regulations, make the right decisions, manage and minimize risks.

Based in Athens and Chania, together with our partners, we are proud to servicing a strong clientele and streamline their business, according to the international and Greek Auditing Standards and according to the Code of Professional Conduct for Auditors.

Our team consists of executives with long experience in audit, financial and tax services and has been focused on helping clients compete and thrive, earning their trust through our actions and professional behavior

Our Company is registered in the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece, with Registration Number SOEL 202.

Highly Specialized Executives

Our specialized executives, with many years of experience in providing audit and accounting services, work together to build trust and reliability with our clients.


Our Executives are graduates of Higher Educational Institutions, holding Master's Degrees from International Educational Institutions, as well as registered members of The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece (SOEL).

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Successful Projects
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Years of Experience
Our Team

Stavros Nikiforakis

Managing Partner
Chairman of the Board

Georgios Varvias


Sofia Loumioti

Audit Manager

Georgios Psillakis


Nikolaos Vroulakis


Ioanna Georgakopoulou

Senior Auditor

Foteini Tourkohoriti

Senior Auditor

Aspasia Anetaki

Junior Auditor

Σταύρος Νικηφοράκης
Managing Partner Πρόεδρος Δ.Σ.
Γεώργιος Ψυλλάκης
Senior Auditor
Μανούσος Μπαρμπούνης
Senior Auditor
Γεώργιος Βαρβίας
Senior Auditor